Module zircon_object::task [−][src]
Objects for Task Management.
BasicPolicy | The policy type. |
CurrentThread | A handle to current thread. |
ExceptionObject | The exception object received from the exception channel. |
ExceptionReport | Data reported to an exception handler for most exceptions. |
Exceptionate | Kernel-owned exception channel endpoint. |
Job | Control a group of processes |
JobInfo | Information of a job. |
JobPolicy | Security and resource policies of a job. |
Process | Process abstraction |
ProcessInfo | Information of a process. |
SuspendToken | Suspend the given task. |
Thread | Runnable / computation entity |
ThreadFlag | Thread flags. |
ThreadInfo | The thread information. |
TimerSlackPolicy | Timer slack policy. |
ExceptionType | Type of exception |
PolicyAction | The action taken when the condition happens specified by a policy. |
PolicyCondition | The condition when a policy is applied. |
SetPolicyOptions | Control the effect in the case of conflict between the existing policies and the new policies when setting new policies. |
Status | Status of a process. |
ThreadState | The thread state. |
ThreadStateKind | Possible values for “kind” in zx_thread_read_state and zx_thread_write_state. |
TASK_RETCODE_SYSCALL_KILL | The return code set when a task is killed via zx_task_kill(). |
IntoResult |
Task | Task (Thread, Process, or Job) |
check_timer_policy | Check whether the policy is valid. |
Type Definitions
ThreadFn | The type of a new thread function. |