use {ElfFile, P32, P64};
use zero::{read, read_array, Pod};
use header::{Class, Header};
use dynamic::Dynamic;
use sections::NoteHeader;
use core::mem;
use core::fmt;
pub fn parse_program_header<'a>(input: &'a [u8],
header: Header<'a>,
index: u16)
-> Result<ProgramHeader<'a>, &'static str> {
let pt2 = &header.pt2;
if !(index < pt2.ph_count() && pt2.ph_offset() > 0 && pt2.ph_entry_size() > 0) {
return Err("There are no program headers in this file")
let start = pt2.ph_offset() as usize + index as usize * pt2.ph_entry_size() as usize;
let end = start + pt2.ph_entry_size() as usize;
match header.pt1.class() {
Class::ThirtyTwo => {
Class::SixtyFour => {
Class::None | Class::Other(_) => unreachable!(),
pub struct ProgramIter<'b, 'a: 'b> {
pub file: &'b ElfFile<'a>,
pub next_index: u16,
impl<'b, 'a> Iterator for ProgramIter<'b, 'a> {
type Item = ProgramHeader<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let count = self.file.header.pt2.ph_count();
if self.next_index >= count {
return None;
let result = self.file.program_header(self.next_index);
self.next_index += 1;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ProgramHeader<'a> {
Ph32(&'a ProgramHeader32),
Ph64(&'a ProgramHeader64),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ProgramHeader32 {
pub type_: Type_,
pub offset: u32,
pub virtual_addr: u32,
pub physical_addr: u32,
pub file_size: u32,
pub mem_size: u32,
pub flags: Flags,
pub align: u32,
unsafe impl Pod for ProgramHeader32 {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ProgramHeader64 {
pub type_: Type_,
pub flags: Flags,
pub offset: u64,
pub virtual_addr: u64,
pub physical_addr: u64,
pub file_size: u64,
pub mem_size: u64,
pub align: u64,
unsafe impl Pod for ProgramHeader64 {}
macro_rules! getter {
($name: ident, $typ: ident) => {
pub fn $name(&self) -> $typ {
match *self {
ProgramHeader::Ph32(h) => h.$name as $typ,
ProgramHeader::Ph64(h) => h.$name as $typ,
impl<'a> ProgramHeader<'a> {
pub fn get_type(&self) -> Result<Type, &'static str> {
match *self {
ProgramHeader::Ph32(ph) => ph.get_type(),
ProgramHeader::Ph64(ph) => ph.get_type(),
pub fn get_data(&self, elf_file: &ElfFile<'a>) -> Result<SegmentData<'a>, &'static str> {
match *self {
ProgramHeader::Ph32(ph) => ph.get_data(elf_file),
ProgramHeader::Ph64(ph) => ph.get_data(elf_file),
getter!(align, u64);
getter!(file_size, u64);
getter!(mem_size, u64);
getter!(offset, u64);
getter!(physical_addr, u64);
getter!(virtual_addr, u64);
getter!(flags, Flags);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for ProgramHeader<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ProgramHeader::Ph32(ph) => ph.fmt(f),
ProgramHeader::Ph64(ph) => ph.fmt(f),
macro_rules! ph_impl {
($ph: ident) => {
impl $ph {
pub fn get_type(&self) -> Result<Type, &'static str> {
pub fn get_data<'a>(&self, elf_file: &ElfFile<'a>) -> Result<SegmentData<'a>, &'static str> {
self.get_type().map(|typ| match typ {
Type::Null => SegmentData::Empty,
Type::Load | Type::Interp | Type::ShLib | Type::Phdr | Type::Tls |
Type::GnuRelro | Type::OsSpecific(_) | Type::ProcessorSpecific(_) => {
Type::Dynamic => {
let data = self.raw_data(elf_file);
match elf_file.header.pt1.class() {
Class::ThirtyTwo => SegmentData::Dynamic32(read_array(data)),
Class::SixtyFour => SegmentData::Dynamic64(read_array(data)),
Class::None | Class::Other(_) => unreachable!(),
Type::Note => {
let data = self.raw_data(elf_file);
match elf_file.header.pt1.class() {
Class::ThirtyTwo => unimplemented!(),
Class::SixtyFour => {
let header: &'a NoteHeader = read(&data[0..12]);
let index = &data[12..];
SegmentData::Note64(header, index)
Class::None | Class::Other(_) => unreachable!(),
pub fn raw_data<'a>(&self, elf_file: &ElfFile<'a>) -> &'a [u8] {
assert!(self.get_type().map(|typ| typ != Type::Null).unwrap_or(false));
&elf_file.input[self.offset as usize..(self.offset + self.file_size) as usize]
impl fmt::Display for $ph {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
try!(writeln!(f, "Program header:"));
try!(writeln!(f, " type: {:?}", self.get_type()));
try!(writeln!(f, " flags: {}", self.flags));
try!(writeln!(f, " offset: {:#x}", self.offset));
try!(writeln!(f, " virtual address: {:#x}", self.virtual_addr));
try!(writeln!(f, " physical address: {:#x}", self.physical_addr));
try!(writeln!(f, " file size: {:#x}", self.file_size));
try!(writeln!(f, " memory size: {:#x}", self.mem_size));
try!(writeln!(f, " align: {:#x}", self.align));
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Flags(pub u32);
impl Flags {
pub fn is_execute(&self) -> bool {
self.0 & FLAG_X == FLAG_X
pub fn is_write(&self) -> bool {
self.0 & FLAG_W == FLAG_W
pub fn is_read(&self) -> bool {
self.0 & FLAG_R == FLAG_R
impl fmt::Display for Flags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}{}{}",
if self.0 & FLAG_X == FLAG_X { 'X' } else { ' ' },
if self.0 & FLAG_W == FLAG_W { 'W' } else { ' ' },
if self.0 & FLAG_R == FLAG_R { 'R' } else { ' ' })
impl fmt::LowerHex for Flags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let val = self.0;
write!(f, "{:#x}", val)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Type_(u32);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Type {
impl Type_ {
fn as_type(&self) -> Result<Type, &'static str> {
match self.0 {
0 => Ok(Type::Null),
1 => Ok(Type::Load),
2 => Ok(Type::Dynamic),
3 => Ok(Type::Interp),
4 => Ok(Type::Note),
5 => Ok(Type::ShLib),
6 => Ok(Type::Phdr),
7 => Ok(Type::Tls),
TYPE_GNU_RELRO => Ok(Type::GnuRelro),
t if t >= TYPE_LOOS && t <= TYPE_HIOS => Ok(Type::OsSpecific(t)),
t if t >= TYPE_LOPROC && t <= TYPE_HIPROC => Ok(Type::ProcessorSpecific(t)),
_ => Err("Invalid type"),
impl fmt::Debug for Type_ {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
pub enum SegmentData<'a> {
Undefined(&'a [u8]),
Dynamic32(&'a [Dynamic<P32>]),
Dynamic64(&'a [Dynamic<P64>]),
Note64(&'a NoteHeader, &'a [u8]),
pub const TYPE_LOOS: u32 = 0x60000000;
pub const TYPE_HIOS: u32 = 0x6fffffff;
pub const TYPE_LOPROC: u32 = 0x70000000;
pub const TYPE_HIPROC: u32 = 0x7fffffff;
pub const TYPE_GNU_RELRO: u32 = TYPE_LOOS + 0x474e552;
pub const FLAG_X: u32 = 0x1;
pub const FLAG_W: u32 = 0x2;
pub const FLAG_R: u32 = 0x4;
pub const FLAG_MASKOS: u32 = 0x0ff00000;
pub const FLAG_MASKPROC: u32 = 0xf0000000;
pub fn sanity_check<'a>(ph: ProgramHeader<'a>, elf_file: &ElfFile<'a>) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let header = elf_file.header;
match ph {
ProgramHeader::Ph32(ph) => {
check!(mem::size_of_val(ph) == header.pt2.ph_entry_size() as usize,
"program header size mismatch");
check!(((ph.offset + ph.file_size) as usize) < elf_file.input.len(),
"entry point out of range");
check!(try!(ph.get_type()) != Type::ShLib, "Shouldn't use ShLib");
if ph.align > 1 {
check!(ph.virtual_addr % ph.align == ph.offset % ph.align,
"Invalid combination of virtual_addr, offset, and align");
ProgramHeader::Ph64(ph) => {
check!(mem::size_of_val(ph) == header.pt2.ph_entry_size() as usize,
"program header size mismatch");
check!(((ph.offset + ph.file_size) as usize) < elf_file.input.len(),
"entry point out of range");
check!(try!(ph.get_type()) != Type::ShLib, "Shouldn't use ShLib");
if ph.align > 1 {
check!(ph.virtual_addr % ph.align == ph.offset % ph.align,
"Invalid combination of virtual_addr, offset, and align");